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Esp8266 – log temperature readings from DS18B20 and wifi signal strength to graphite grafana

Esp8266 – log temperature readings from DS18B20 and wifi signal strength to graphite grafana published on 3 Comments on Esp8266 – log temperature readings from DS18B20 and wifi signal strength to graphite grafana

Recently I bought esp8266 (NodeMcu) – it is a low cost device with wifi chip, that can be programmed by Arduino IDE or Lua script language.

My first idea for this device is to draw graphs of temperature readings from ds18b20 sensor and signal strength on wifi connection for each SSID with which the device can connect. For logging I have raspberry pi configured with graphite server and Grafana. To log something on graphite server the esp8266 have to send UDP packet with string containg: metric name, metric value, timestamp. Bellow expample of such strings:

Charts in Grafana:
And the code doing this looks as follows:

Libraries used in this code (DallasTemperature and OneWire):
You can download this through library manager from Arduino IDE.