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NanoPi NEO as remote SDR server for RTL2832u

NanoPi NEO as remote SDR server for RTL2832u published on No Comments on NanoPi NEO as remote SDR server for RTL2832u

Today I will show how to make remote SDR radio server for RTL2832u dongle with very small and cheap device such as NanoPi NEO.

The main purpose of this is that I want place the NanoPI with RTL dongle and antenna attached to it on remote location – on high building 250 meters far away from my home. I have wireless bridge connecting my home with this place.

Notice: Wireless have to be able to send about 16Mb/s of tcp trafic from NanoPi to PC. 

On NanoPi I installed Armian Linux. After that I was set up rtl_tcp server:
900001 – this is lowest sample-rate which can be used, I used lowest because my wireless bridge wasn’t able to pass more traffic.

The next step was to setup and start gqrx on my home computer:
Notice: Input rate must be the same as set on rtl_tcp server. – this is IP address of my NanoPi.

And now, we can hear everything around us 🙂